Chapter 14 Review Us History Reviewing Themes Answers Economics

Chapter 14: Forging the National Economic system, 1790-1860

  1. The Westward Movement
    1. The ascent of Andrew Jackson, the starting time president form beyond the Appalachian Mountains, exemplified the inexorable westward march of the American people; the Westward, with its raw frontier, was the almost typically American part of America
    2. The Republic and the people were so immature —equally late as 1850, half of Americans were under the historic period of thirty; By 1840 the "demographic center" of the American population map had crossed the Alleghenies; past the Civil War it had crossed the Ohio River
    3. Legend portraying men carving civilisation out of the western woods were fake as in reality, life was downright grim for most pioneer families in the West
      1. Poorly fed, ill-clad, housed in hastily erected shanties, they were perpetual victims of disease, low, and premature death; above all, unbearable loneliness haunted them, especially the women, who were often cut off from human contact
      2. Frontier life could be tough and crude for men equally well as no-holds-barred wrestling was a popular amusement and pioneering Americans, marooned past geography, were often ill informed, superstitious, provincial, and fiercely individualistic
      3. Popular literature of the period abounded with portraits of unique, isolated figures like Cooper's heroic Natty Bumppo and Melville'due south restless Captain Ahab
      4. Fifty-fifty in the era of "rugged individualist" there were of import exceptions; pioneers, in tasks across their resources would call upon their neighbors for logrolling and barn raising and upon their authorities for help in building internal improvements
  2. Shaping the Western Mural
    1. The westward movement also molded the physical environment
      1. Pioneers in a hurry frequently exhausted the land in the tobacco regions then pushed on
      2. In the Kentucky bottomlands, tall cane posed a barrier but settlers soon discovered that when the cane was burned off, European bluegrass thrived in the canefields
      3. Kentucky bluegrass" made ideal pasture for livestock—and lured thousands
    2. The American Westward felt the pressure level of civilization in additional ways
      1. By the 1820s American fur trappers were in the Rocky Mountain regions and the fur-trapping empire was based on the "rendezvous" system; each summer, traders ventured from St. Louis to the Rocky Mountain valley and waited for the trappers and Indians to get in with beaver pelts to swap for manufactured goods from the East
      2. The trade thrived for 2 decades earlier the hats went out of style and fewer beavers
      3. Trade in buffalo robbers also flourished, leading eventually to the near total anything of the massive bison herds and however farther west, on the California coast, other traders bought up bounding main-otter pelts, driving otters to the point of near-extinction
      4. Aggressive, heedless exploitation of West natural bounty—"ecological imperialism"
    3. Yet Americans in this menses also revered nature and admired its beauty; the spirit of nationalism fed the growing appreciation of the uniqueness of the American wilderness
      1. Searching for the United States' distinctive characteristics, many observers establish the wild, unspoiled character of the state, especially the Due west, to be defining
      2. Other countries may take mountains or rivers, only none had the pristine, natural beauty of America, unspoiled by homo hands and reminiscent of a time earlier the dawn of civilization—attitude became a kind of national mystique, inspiring literature and painting, and eventually kindling a powerful conservation movement
      3. George Catlin was amongst the first to advocate for preservation of nature as deliberate national policy; he proposed the creation of a national park (Yellowstone, 1872)
  3. The March of the Millions
    1. As the American people moved west, they also multiplied at an amazing rate; by mid-century the population was still doubling approximately every twenty-five years
    2. Past 1860, the original thirteen states had more than doubled in number: thirty-three stars graced the American flag and the The states was the quaternary most populous nation in the western world, exceed only by three European countries—Russia, French republic, and Republic of austria
    3. Urban growth continued explosively; in 1790 only 2 American cities (Philadelphia and New York) had populations of twenty chiliad or more but by 1860, there were 43
    4. Such over rapid urbanization unfortunately brought undesirable by-products; It intensified the bug of smelly slums, feeble street lighting, inadequate policing, impure water, foul sewage, ravenous rats, and improper garbage disposal
    5. A continuing loftier birthrate accounted for most of the increase in population, but by the 1840s the tides of immigration were calculation hundreds of thousands more
      1. Before this decade immigrants had been flowing in at a rate of sixth thousand a yr, but of a sudden the influx tripled in the 1840s and so quadrupled in the 1850s
      2. During these two feverish decades, over a meg and a half Irish gaelic, and well-nigh every bit many Germans, swarmed downwards the gangplanks—why did they come?
    6. The immigrants came partly because Europe seemed to be running out of room; Europe grew and "surplus" people, who were displaced and fancy-free in their homelands before they felt the tug of the American magnet (near lx one thousand thousand people abandoned Europe in the century afterward 1840, about 25 million went somewhere other than in the United States)
    7. Yet American nonetheless beckoned most strongly to the struggling masses of Europe, and the majority of migrants headed for the "state of freedom and opportunity"
      1. There was freedom from aristocratic caste and land church; there was abundant opportunity to secure broad acres and better one's status
      2. Letters sent past immigrants—"America letters"—oftentimes described in glowing terms the richer life: low taxes, no compulsory armed forces serve, and "three meat meals a twenty-four hours"
      3. The introduction of transoceanic steamships also meant that the immigrants could come up quickly, in a matter of ten or twelve days instead of ten or twelve weeks
  4. The Emerald Isle Moves Due west
    1. Ireland was drained in the mid-1840s; a terrible rot attacked the potato crop, on which the people had become dangerously dependent, and about i-fourth of them were swept away by disease and hunger; all told, about two million perished
    2. Tens of thousands of destitute souls, feeling the Land of Famine for the State of Enough, flocked to America in the "Black Forties"—Ireland'southward not bad export has been population
    3. These uprooted newcomers—too poor to move due west and buy the necessary state, livestock, and equipment—swarmed into the larger seaboard cities (Boston and NYC)
    4. The luckless Irish gaelic immigrants received no red-carpet treatment
      1. Forced to live in squalor, they were rudely crammed into the already-vile slums and were scorned past the older American stock, especially "proper" Protestant Bostonians, who regarded the scruffy Cosmic arrivals equally a social menace
      2. Every bit wage-depressing competitors for jobs (kitchen maids and railroads) the Irish gaelic were hated by native workers—"No Irish gaelic Need Apply" was a sign normally posted
      3. The Irish gaelic, for similar reasons, fiercely resented the blacks, with whom they shared society's basement; race riots between black and Irish dockworkers flared up
    5. The friendless "famine Irish" were forced to fend for themselves; the Ancient Club of Hibernians, a semisecret social club founded in Ireland to fight rapacious landlords, served in America as a benevolent club, aiding the downtrodden; it besides helped spawn the "Molly Maguires," a shadowy Irish miners' wedlock in the PA coal districts in 1860s-70s
    6. The Irish gaelic tended to remain in depression-skill occupations but gradually improved their lot, normally past acquiring small amounts of property (education of children usually cutting brusk)
    7. Politics apace attracted these gregarious Gaelic newcomers and they shortly began to gain control of powerful urban center machines—American politicians made hast to cultivate the Irish gaelic vote, especially in the politically strong state of New York and politicians usually found it politically profitable to fire verbal volleys at London (Irish hatred of the British)
  5. The German Forty-Eighters
    1. The influx of refugees from Federal republic of germany betwixt 1830 and 1860 was just every bit spectacular as that from Republic of ireland; during these troubled years, over a million and a half Germans arrived
      1. The bulk of them were uprooted farmers, displaced by crop failures and other hardships; but a stiff sprinkling were liberal political refugees
      2. Saddened by the collapse of the democratic revolutions of 1848, they had decided to leave the autocratic fatherland and abscond to America—the brightest hope of republic
    2. Zealous German language liberals like Carl Schurz, a relentless foe of slavery and public corruption, contributed richly to the pinnacle of American political life
    3. Unlike the Irish, many Germanic newcomers possessed a modest amount of material goods; must of them pushed out to the lush lands of the Middle West, notably Wisconsin, where they settled and established model farms—similar the Irish, they formed an influential body of voters, but they were less stiff politically considering they were more than scattered
    4. The mitt of Germans in shaping American life was widely felt in still other means
      1. The Conestoga wagon, the Kentucky burglarize, and the Christmas tree were all High german
      2. Germans had fled from the militarism and wars of Europe and consequently came to be a safeguard of isolationist sentiment in the upper Mississippi valley
      3. Ameliorate educated on the whole than the stump-grubbing Americans, they warmly supported public schools, including their Kindergarten (children'southward garden)
      4. The Germans also did much to stimulate art and music; as outspoken champions of liberty, they became relentless enemies of slavery earlier the Ceremonious State of war
    5. Yet the Germans—often dubbed "damned Dutchmen"—were regarded with suspicion by their old-stock American neighbors; seeking to preserve their linguistic communication and civilisation, they sometimes settled in compact "colonies" and kept aloof from the surrounding customs
    6. They were accustomed to the "Continental Lord's day" and drank huge quantities of an amber drink called bier (beer)—their Old World drinking habits, like the Irish gaelic, spurred advocates of temperance in the use of alcohol to redouble their reform efforts
  6. Flare-ups of Antiforeignism
    1. The invasion by this then-called immigrant "rabble" in the 1840s and 1850s inflamed the prejudices of American "nativists"—they feared that these strange hordes would outbreed, outvote, and overwhelm the onetime "native" people of America
      1. Not only did the newcomers have jobs from "native" Americans, but the bulk of the displaced Irish were Roman Catholics, as were a substantial minority of the Germans
      2. The Church of Rome was however widely regarded by many old-line Americans as a "foreign" church building; convents were commonly referred to as "popish brothels"
    2. Roman Catholics were now on the move; seeking to protect their children from Protestant indoctrination in the public schools, they began in the 1840s to construct a separate Catholic educational system (expensive merely revealed the strength of its commitment)
    3. With the enormous influx of the Irish and Germans in the 1840s and 1850s, the Catholics became a powerful religious grouping; in 1840 they ranked fifth backside the Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, and Congregationalists merely by 1850, they bounded into first
    4. Older-stock Americans were alarmed by these mounting figures; they professed to believe that in due time the immigrants would found the Catholic Church at the expense of Protestantism and would innovate "popish idols"
      1. The noisier American "nativists" rallied for political action; in 1849, they formed the Social club of the Star-Spangled Imprint, which before long developed into the formidable American, or "Know-Nothing," party—a proper noun derived from its secretiveness
      2. Nativists" agitated for rigid restrictions on clearing and naturalization for laws authorizing the deportation of alien paupers; promoted a lurid literature of exposure
      3. There was occasional mass violence and the most frightful flare-up occurred during 1844 in Philadelphia were the Irish Catholics fought back confronting the threats of "nativists"—ii Catholic churches had been burned and over fifty wounded
    5. Immigrants were making America a more pluralistic society and perhaps it was small wonder that cultural clashes would occur by why weren't there more episodes?
      1. The vigorous growth of the economy in these years both attracted immigrants in the first place and ensured that they could claim their share of the American wealth
      2. They helped fuel economical expansion but without the newcomers, an agricultural United states might take just watched the Industrial Revolution in green-eyed
  7. The March of Mechanization
    1. A group of gifted British inventors, first about 1750, perfected a serial of machines for the mass product of textiles and this enslavement of steam multiplied the power of homo muscles some x-thousand fold and ushered in the modern manufactory system
      1. The Industrial Revolution was accompanied past a transformation in agricultural production and in the methods of transportation and communication
      2. The Factory organisation gradually spread from Uk to other lands and it took a generation or and so to accomplish western Europe, and then the United states of america
    2. The American Democracy was slow to cover the factory system because the virgin soil in America was cheap; labor was therefore generally scarce and plenty nimble easily to operate machines were hard to fine—until immigrants began to cascade aground in the 1840s
    3. Money for capital investment was not plentiful in pioneering America; raw materials lay undeveloped, undiscovered, or unsuspected—much of coal was imported from Great britain
    4. Just as labor was scarce, and then were consumers—the young state at first lacked a domestic market large enough to make factory-scale manufacturing profitable
    5. Established British factories provided cutthroat contest and posed another trouble
    6. The British also enjoyed a monopoly of the textile machinery, whose secrets they were broken-hearted to hide from foreign competitors; parliament enacted laws to protect its economy
    7. Not until the middle of the 19thursday century did the factories exceed output of the farms
  8. Whitney Ends the Cobweb Famine
    1. Samuel Slater has been acclaimed the "Father of the Factory Organisation"
      1. A skilled British mechanic, he was attracted by bounties being offered to British workers familiar with the textile machines; after memorizing the plans for the machinery, he escaped in disguise to America, where he won the back of Moses Dark-brown, a Quaker backer in Rhode Island  (he put into operation in 1791 the get-go efficient American machinery for spinning cotton thread)
      2. Although the machinery was ready, where was the cotton fiber—procedure expensive
    2. Another mechanical genius, Massachusetts-born Eli Whitney, at present made his marker
      1. After graduating from Yale and journeying to Georgia, in 1793, he congenital a crude machine chosen the cotton gin that was 50 times more effective than the hand process
      2. Almost overnight the raising of cotton wool became highly profitable and the Southward was tied mitt and foot to the throne of King Cotton fiber; the clamorous demand for cotton revived the bondage on the limbs of the downtrodden southern blacks
    3. South and North both prospered; slave-driving planters cleared more than acres for cotton, pushing the Cotton Kingdom westward off the depleted ride-h2o plains
    4. Factories at first flourished most actively in New England, though they branched out into the more populous areas of New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania; the South'due south uppercase was leap up in slaves—its local consumers for the most part were desperately poor
    5. New England was singularly favored as an industrial center for several reasons
      1. Dense population provided labor and accessible markets; shipping brought in capital; snug seaports made import of raw materials and consign of finished products easy
      2. The Rapid rivers provided abundant water power to plough the cogs of the machines; past 1860 more than 400 million pounds of southern cotton poured annually into the gaping maws of over a thousand mills, by and large in the New England region
  9. Marvels in Manufacturing
    1. America's factories spread slowly until about 1807, when there began the fateful sequence of the embargo, nonintercourse, and the War of 1812
      1. Stern necessity dictated the manufacture of substitutes for normal imports, while the stoppage of European commerce was temporarily ruinous to Yankee shipping
      2. Generous bounties were offered by local government from habitation-grown goods
    2. The manufacturing boomlet broke abruptly with the peace of Ghent in 1815
      1. British competitors unloaded their dammed-up surpluses at ruinously depression prices
      2. Responding to the pained out-cries, Congress provided some relief when it passed the mildly protective Tariff of 1816—attempt to control the shape of the economy
    3. As the factory arrangement flourished, it embraced numerous other industries besides textiles
      1. Prominent among them was the manufacturing of firearms and here the wizardly Eli Whitney once more appeared with an extraordinary contribution
      2. About 1798, Whitney seized upon the thought of having machines make each part, so that muskets could be scrambled and reassembled—interchangeable parts
      3. The principle of interchangeable parts was widely adopted by 1850 and it ultimately became the basis of modern mass-production, assembly-line methods
    4. The sewing machines, invented by Elias Howe in 1846 and perfected by Isaac Vocalist, gave another potent boost to northern industrialization; the sewing automobile became the foundation of the ready-fabricated vesture industry, which took root nearly the Civil War
    5. Each momentous new invention seemed to stimulate sill more imaginative inventions, patents in 1800 numbered only 306 patents but by the cease of 1860, it totaled 28,000
    6. Technical advances spurred equally important changes in the grade and legal status of business organization organizations—the principle of limited liability aided the concentration of capital by permitting the individual investor to chance no more his own share of stock
    7. I of the primeval investment capital companies, the Boston Associates, somewhen dominated the material, railroad, insurance, and banking business of Massachusetts
    8. Laws of "free incorporation," first passed in New York in 1848, meant that businessmen could create corporations without applying for individual charters from legislatures
    9. Samuel F. B. Morse's telegraph was among the inventions that tightened the sinews of an increasingly complex business organisation world; by the eve of the Civil War, a web of singing wires spanned the continent, revolutionizing news gathering, affairs, and finance
  10. Workers and "Wage Slaves"
    1. One bad outgrowth of the mill system was an acute labor trouble; the industrial revolution submerged the personal association to the impersonal ownership of factories
    2. Clearly the early mill system did now shower its benefits evenly on all
      1. While many owners waxed fat, working people ofttimes wasted away at their workbenches; hours were long, wages were depression, and meals were skimpy
      2. Workers were forced to toil in unsanitary buildings and were forbidden by constabulary to grade labor unions for such activities were regarded as criminal conspiracies
      3. Vulnerable to exploitation were child workers; in 1820 half the nation'southward industrial toilers were children under ten years of age; they were victims of manufactory labor
    3. By contrast, the lot of most adult wage workers improved markedly in the 1820s and 1830s; in flush of Jacksonian democracy, many of the states granted the laborers the vote
    4. Besides as enervating the ten-hour twenty-four hours, higher wages, and tolerable working conditions, workers demanded public didactics for children and an cease to imprisonment for debt
      1. Employers fought the ten-hour day to the concluding ditch and argued that reduced hours would lessen production, increase costs, and demoralize the workers—more free time
      2. A red-letter gain was at length registered for labor in 1840, when President Van Buren established the ten-hr twenty-four hours for federal employees on public works
    5. 24-hour interval laborers at last learned that their strongest weapon was to lay down their tools
      1. Dozens of strikes erupted in the 1830s and 1840s, nearly of them for higher wages, some for the ten-hr twenty-four hours, and a few for such unusual goals as correct to smoke on job
      2. The workers usually lost more than strikes than they won for the employer could resort to importing strikebreakers, often fresh off the boat from the Old World
      3. Labor'due south early and painful efforts at organisation had netted some 300,000 trade unionists by 1830; but such gains were negated with the severe low of 1837
      4. As unemployment spread, union membership shriveled; yet toilers won a promising legal victory in 1842 when the supreme court of Massachusetts ruled in the case of Commonwealth five. Hunt that labor unions were not illegal conspiracies
      5. The aware conclusion did not legalize the strike overnight only it was pregnant
  11. Women and the Economy
    1. Women were also sucked into the clanging mechanism of factory production; farm women and girls had an important identify in the preindustrial economy, spinning yarn, weaving cloth, and making candles, soap, butter, and cheese
      1. New factories such as the textile mills undermined these activities, cranking out manufactured goods much faster than they could exist made by hand at home
      2. All the same these aforementioned factories offered employment to the very young women whose work they were displacing; mill jobs promised greater economic independence
      3. Factory girls" typically toiled half-dozen days a calendar week, earning piece of work "from dark to nighttime"
      4. The Boston Assembly pointed to their textile mill at Lowell, MA every bit a showplace factory where most workers were farm girls who were carefully supervised on and off
    2. Opportunities for women to be economically cocky-supporting were scarce and consisted mainly of nursing, domestic service, and especially teaching
      1. Catharine Beecher tirelessly urged women to enter the teaching profession; she eventually succeeded beyond her dreams, as men left pedagogy for other lines of work and school teaching became a thoroughly "feminized" occupation
      2. Nearly 10% of white women were working for pay outside their won homes in 1850, and estimates are that almost 20% of all women had been employed before marriage
    3. The vast bulk of workingwomen were single; upon spousal relationship, they left their paying jobs and took upward their new work as wives and mothers (they were enshrined in a "cult of domesticity" a widespread cultural creed that glorified functions of the homemaker)
    4. From their pedestal, married women allowable immense moral power and they increasingly fabricated decisions that altered the character of the family unit itself
    5. Women'south changing roles and the spreading Industrial Revolution brought some of import changes in the life of the nineteenth-century changes in the life of the xixth century home
    6. Women's irresolute roles and the spreading Industrial Revolution brought some important changes in the life of the nineteenth-century home—the tradition "women'southward sphere"
      1. Love, not parental "arrangement" more and more frequently determined the pick of a spouse—even so parents oftentimes retained the power of veto; families more than closely knit
      2. Most hitting, families grew smaller; the "fertility rate," or number of births amongst women historic period fourteen to forty-five, dropped sharply among white women in the years subsequently the Revolution and in the course of the 19th century as a whole, fell by half
      3. Women undoubtedly played a large part in decisions to have fewer children
      4. This newly assertive role for women has been called "domestic feminism" because it signified the growing power and independence of women ("cult of domesticity")
    7. Smaller families, in plough, meant child-centered families, since where children are fewer, parents tin can lavish more than intendance on them individually; lessons were enforced by punishments other than the hickory stick (shaping the kid instead of only breaking the kid)
    8. In the picayune republic of the family unit, adept citizens were raised not to be meekly obedient to authority, but to be contained individuals who could make their own decisions on the ground of internalized moral standards (small, affectionate, child-centered mod family)
  12. Western Farmers Reap a Revolution in the Fields
    1. The trans-Allegheny region—specially the Ohio-Indiana-Illinois tier—was condign the nation'due south tum and soon it would go a granary to the world
      1. Pioneer families first planted their painfully uneven fields to corn; the yellow grain was amazingly versatile and could be fed to hogs or distilled into liquor
      2. Both these products could exist transported more easily than the bulky grain and they became the early western farmer's staple market items (trade of hogs)
    2. About western produce was at starting time floated down the Ohio-Mississippi River system, to feed the lusty appetite of the booming Cotton wool Kingdom but western farmers were as hungry for profits as southern slaves and planters were for nutrient (cultivated more country)
    3. Ingenious inventors came to the air of these western tillers
      1. One of the showtime obstacles that frustrated the farmers was the thickly matted soil of the West, which snapped delicate wooden plows and John Deere of Illinois in 1827 finally produced a steel plow; sharp and effective, information technology was low-cal enough to be pulled by horses
      2. In the 1830s, Cyrus McCormick contributed the almost wondrous contraption of all: a mechanical mower-reaper; the clattering cogs of his horse-fatigued machine were to western farmers what the cotton gin was to southern planters
      3. Seated on his reaper, a single man could do the work of v men with scythes
    4. The mower-reaper fabricated ambitious capitalists out of apprehensive plowmen who now scrambled for more acres on which to institute more fields of billowing wheat
    5. Subsistence farming gave way to production for the marketplace, as large-scale, specialized, cash-ingather agronomics came to dominate the trans-Allegheny West; soon hustling farmer-businesspeople were annually harvesting a larger crop than the Due south could devour
    6. They began to dream of markets elsewhere but they were still largely state-locked; commerce moved north and south on the river systems; earlier it could begin to move east-west in majority, a transportation revolution would take to occur
  13. Highways and Steamboats
    1. In 1789, primitive methods of travel were still in use; waterborne commerce, whether along the coast or on the rivers, was slow, uncertain, and often dangerous
    2. Cheap and efficient carriers were imperative if raw materials were to be transported to factories and if finished products were to be delivered to consumers
    3. A promising comeback came in the 1790s, when a private company completed the Lancaster Turnpike in Pennsylvania; a broad hard-surfaced highway from Philly to Lancaster; every bit drivers approached the tollgate, they were confronted with a bulwark of sharp pikes, which were turned aside when they paid their toll—hence the term turnpike
      1. The Lancaster Turnpike proved to be a highly successful venture, returning as high as fifteen percent annual dividends to its stockholders; it attracted a rich trade to Philadelphia and touched off a turnpike-building blast that lasted about twenty years
      2. The turnpike also stimulated western development and beckoned to the sheet-covered Conestoga wagons, whose creakings herald a westward accelerate
    4. Western road edifice, always expensive, encountered many obstacles
      1. One pesky roadblock was the noisy states' righters, who opposed federal aid to local projects; Eastern states also protested against their populations moving westward
      2. Westerners scored a notable triumph in 1811 when the federal government began to construct the elongated National Road, or Cumberland Route
      3. This highway ultimately stretched from Cumberland, in western Maryland, to Vandalia, in Illinois, a distance of 591 miles; War of 1812 interrupted construction and states' rights shackles on internal improvements hampered federal grants
      4. Only the thoroughfare was finally, belatedly brought to its destination in 1852 past a combination of aid from the states and the federal authorities
    5. The steamboat craze, which overlapped the turnpike craze, was touched off by an ambitious painter-engineer named Robert Fulton who installed a powerful steam engine in a vessel that posterity came to know equally the Clermont but was dubbed "Fulton'southward Folly"
    6. On a historic day in 1807, the little ship churned steadily from New York City upwardly the Hudson River toward Albany and fabricated the run of 150 miles in 32 hours
    7. The success of the steamboat was sensational; people could at present in large degree defy wind, wave, tide, and downstream current (within years, carrying chapters doubled)
      1. As keelboats had been pushed up the Mississippi at less than one mile an hour, a process that was prohibitively expensive, now the steamboats could churn rapidly against eh current, ultimately attaining speeds in excess of ten miles an hour
      2. By 1820 there were some sixty steamboats on the Mississippi and by 1860 about 1 thousand; neat rivalry amidst the swift and gaudy steamers led to memorable races
      3. Chugging steamboats played a vital role in the opening of the Westward and S, both of which were richly endowed with navigable rivers (population clusters)
  14. Clinton'southward Big Ditch" in New York
    1. A culvert-cutting craze paralleled the boom in turnpikes and steamboats
      1. A few canals had been built effectually falls and elsewhere due north the colonial days; resourceful New Yorkers, cut off from federal aid by states' righters, themselves dug the Erie Culvert, linking the Bully Lakes with the Hudson River
      2. They were blessed with the driving leadership of Governor DeWitt Clinton, whose grandiose project was chosen "Clinton's Big Ditch" or "the Governor's Gutter"
      3. Begun in 1817, the canal eventually ribboned 363 miles and on its completion in 1825, a garlanded canal boat glided from Buffalo, on Lake Erie, to the Hudson River and on to New York harbor—h2o from Clinton's keg baptized the Empire state
      4. Mule-fatigued passengers and bulky freight could now exist handled with thrift and dispatch, at the dizzy speed of 5 miles an hour (cost of shipping fell drastically)
    2. Ever-widening economic ripples followed the completion of the Erie Canal; the value of land along the route skyrocketed and new cities (Rochester, Syracuse) blossomed
      1. Industry in the country boomed; the new profitability of farming in the Old Northwest attracted thousands of European immigrants to the unaxed and untaxed lands there
      2. Other profound economic and political changes followed the culvert's completion
      3. The price of potatoes in NYC was cutting in one-half, and many dispirited New England farmers, no longer able to confront the ruinous competition, abandoned their holdings
      4. Some considering mill hands, thus speeding the industrialization of America and others, finding it piece of cake to become west over the Erie Canal, took up new farmland south of the Corking Lakes; still others shifted to fruit, vegetable, and dairy farming
  15. The Iron Horse
    1. The most pregnant contribution to the evolution of such an economy proved to be the railroad; it was cheaper than canals to construct, and non frozen over in the wintertime
      1. Able to go virtually anywhere, fifty-fifty through the Allegheny barrier, it defied terrain and atmospheric condition; the first railroad appeared in the U.s. in 1828 and by 1860, the Usa boasted 30 1000 miles of railroad track; ¾ of information technology in the N
      2. At offset the railroad faced strong opposition from vested interests, especially canal backers; early railroads were besides considered a dangerous public menace for flight sparks could set fire to nearby haystacks and houses and fear railway accidents
    2. Railroad pioneers had to overcome other obstacles besides; brakes were so feeble that the engineer might miss the station twice, both arriving and back; distance between the track meant frequent changes of trains for passengers; merely gauges soon became standardized, meliorate brakes did brake, rubber devices were adopted, and luxury trains introduced
  16. Cables, Clippers, and Pony Riders
    1. Other forms of transportation and communication were binding together the United states and the world; a crucial evolution came in 1858 when Cyrus Field finally stretched a cable under the deep North Atlantic waters from Newfoundland to Ireland
    2. Although this initial cable went dead afterward three weeks of public rejoicing, a heavier cable laid in 1866 permanently linked the American and European continents
    3. The United States merchant marine encountered rough sailing during much of the early nineteenth century; American vessels had been repeatedly laid upwardly by the embargo, the War of 1812, and the panics of American in the years of 1819 and 1837
    4. In the 1840s and 1850s, a aureate historic period dawned for American shipping
      1. Yankee naval yards, notably Donald McKay's at Boston, began to ship down the ways sleek new craft called clipper ships—they glided across the bounding main under towering masts and clouds of canvas; in a off-white breeze, they could outrun any steamer
      2. The stately clippers sacrificed cargo space for speed, and their captains made killings past hauling high-value cargoes in record times; they wrested much of the tea-carrying trade between the Far E and Britain from their slower-sailing British competitors
      3. The hour of glory for the clipper was relatively brief as on the eve of the Civil War, the British had clearly won the earth race for maritime ascendancy with their iron tramp steamers; although slower and less romantic, they were more reliable/roomier
    5. Rapid American advice would exist complete past including the Far West
      1. By 1858 horse-drawn overland stagecoaches were a familiar sight and their dusty tracks stretched from the banking concern of the Missouri River clear to California
      2. Even more dramatic was the Pony Limited, established in 1860 to carry mail speedily the 2 g alone miles from St. Joseph, Missouri, to Sacramento, California
      3. Daring lightweight riders, leaping onto wiry ponies saddled at stations approximately x miles apart, could make the trip in an amazing 10 days (folded after one.5 years)
    6. The express riders were unhorsed by Samuel Morse's clacking keys, which began borer messages to California in 1861—dying technology of air current and musculus
  17. The Transport Web Binds the Union
    1. The desire of the Due east to tap the West stimulated the "transportation revolution"
      1. Until about 1830 the produce of the western region drained southward to the cotton fiber chugalug merely the steamboat vastly aided the reverse flow of finished appurtenances upwardly the watery western arteries and helped bind Due west and Southward together
      2. Simply the truly revolutionary changes in commerce and communication came in the three decades earlier the Civil War, equally canals and railroad tracks radiated out from the East, across the Alleghenies and into the blossoming heartland
      3. They would offset the "natural" menstruation of trade by a grid of "internal improvements"
    2. The builders succeeded across their wildest dreams; the Mississippi was increasingly robbed of its traffic; by the 1840s the city of Buffalo handled more than western produce than New Orleans; New York City became the seaboard queen of the nation (huge port)
    3. By the eve of the Civil War, the principle of division of labor, which spelled productivity and profits in the manufacturing plant, applied on a national scale too (each region was specialized)
      1. The South raised cotton wool for export to livestock to feed factory workers in the East and in Europe; the East mad machines and textiles for the South and the West
      2. Many Southerners regarded the Mississippi as the concatenation linking the Due north and South
  18. The Market place Revolution
    1. The "market revolution" transformed a subsistence economy of scattered farms and tiny workshops into a national network of industry and commerce
      1. as more and more Americans linked their economic fate to the burgeoning market place economic system, the cocky-sufficient households of colonial days were transformed
      2. In growing numbers they now scattered to piece of work for wages in the mills, or they planted just a few crops for sale at market and used the money to purchase goods made by strangers in far-off factories (store-bought products replaced homemade products)
    2. A tranquillity revolution occurred in the household division of labor and condition
      1. Traditional women'due south piece of work was rendered superfluous and devalued; the abode itself, one time a heart of economic production in which all family members cooperated, grew into a place of refuge from the world of work—special and separate sphere of women
      2. Revolutionary advances in manufacturing and transportation brought increased prosperity to all Americans, merely they also widened the gulf between the rich and poor
    3. Cities bred the greatest extremes of economical inequality; unskilled workers fared worst and many of them came to brand up a floating mass of "drifters," buffeted from town to town by the shifting prospects for menial jobs—accounted for brawling industrial centers
    4. Although their numbers were large, they left little behind them; many myths almost "social mobility" grew up over the buried memories of these unfortunate day laborers; rags-to-riches success stories were relatively few but there was non excessive mobility
    5. Notwithstanding America, with its dynamic society and wide-open spaces, undoubtedly provided more "opportunity" than the contemporary countries of the Former World; general prosperity helped defuse the potential class conflict that might otherwise accept explode

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Aboukhadijeh, Feross. "Chapter 14: Forging the National Economic system, 1790-1860" Report Notes, LLC., 17 Nov. 2012. Web. 17 April. 2022. <https://world wide>.


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