5 Feet 10 Inches Is Equal to How Many Centimeters

Feet To Metres - Imperial To Metric Height Conversions

For passports and many medical forms you now need to supply your height in metres and centimetres rather than feet and inches. The converter above allows you to quickly convert between feet and inches and metres and centimetres when you need to find out your height in metres and centimetres. Just type your height into the feet and inches boxes to convert to metres or into the metres box to convert to feet and inches.

We also have a Stones to Kilograms Weight Converter and scientific/technical length conversions at MeasurementConversions.org where you can specify accuracy in significant figures or decimal places.

Quick Lookup Feet To Metres Common Conversions

The tables below gives values for commonly used feet and inches to metres conversions.

ft & in m
3' 0" 0.91
3' 1" 0.94
3' 2" 0.97
3' 3" 0.99
3' 4" 1.02
3' 5" 1.04
3' 6" 1.07
3' 7" 1.09
3' 8" 1.12
3' 9" 1.14
3' 10" 1.17
3' 11" 1.19
ft & in m
4' 0" 1.22
4' 1" 1.24
4' 2" 1.27
4' 3" 1.30
4' 4" 1.32
4' 5" 1.35
4' 6" 1.37
4' 7" 1.40
4' 8" 1.42
4' 9" 1.45
4' 10" 1.47
4' 11" 1.50
ft & in m
5' 0" 1.52
5' 1" 1.55
5' 2" 1.57
5' 3" 1.60
5' 4" 1.63
5' 5" 1.65
5' 6" 1.68
5' 7" 1.70
5' 8" 1.73
5' 9" 1.75
5' 10" 1.78
5' 11" 1.80
ft & in m
6' 0" 1.83
6' 1" 1.85
6' 2" 1.88
6' 3" 1.91
6' 4" 1.93
6' 5" 1.96
6' 6" 1.98
6' 7" 2.01
6' 8" 2.03
6' 9" 2.06
6' 10" 2.08
6' 11" 2.11

Quick Lookup Metres to Feet & Inches Common Conversions

The following tables gives results for commonly searched metres to feet and inches conversions for height conversion, results are given to the nearest inch.

m ft & in
0.50 1' 8"
0.55 1' 10"
0.60 1' 12"
0.65 2' 2"
0.70 2' 4"
0.75 2' 6"
0.80 2' 7"
0.85 2' 9"
0.90 2' 11"
0.95 3' 1"
m ft & in
1.00 3' 3"
1.05 3' 5"
1.10 3' 7"
1.15 3' 9"
1.20 3' 11"
1.25 4' 1"
1.30 4' 3"
1.35 4' 5"
1.40 4' 7"
1.45 4' 9"
m ft & in
1.50 4' 11"
1.55 5' 1"
1.60 5' 3"
1.65 5' 5"
1.70 5' 7"
1.75 5' 9"
1.80 5' 11"
1.85 6' 1"
1.90 6' 3"
1.95 6' 5"
m ft & in
2.00 6' 7"
2.05 6' 9"
2.10 6' 11"
2.15 7' 1"
2.20 7' 3"
2.25 7' 5"
2.30 7' 7"
2.35 7' 9"
2.40 7' 10"
2.45 8' 0"

Full Conversion Tables

  • Height conversion chart 0 - 8 feet to metres
  • Height conversion chart 8 - 16 feet to metres
  • Height conversion chart 0 - 2 metres in feet and inches
  • Height conversion chart 2 - 4 metres in feet and inches

Conversion Formulae

The conversion formulae for feet (ft) and inches (in) to metres (m) conversions are as follows:

  • 1 foot = 0.3048 metres
  • 1 inch = 0.0254 metres

The conversion formulae for metres to feet and inches conversions are as follows:

  • 1 metre = 3.2808399 feet
  • 1 metre = 39.3700787 inches

These conversions date from 1959 when an international agreement by Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States of America defined the yard as exactly 0.9144 metres. (See the BIPM's SI Brochure: The International System of Units (SI) Section 4-2)

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5 Feet 10 Inches Is Equal to How Many Centimeters

Source: https://www.feettometres.com/

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